This isn't about privacy, it's about geopolitics. I don't think TikTok would be under such pressure if it was a Western company.

American companies are global. They won't face this type of harassment in other nations ... For now. But these are keeping count, and when the US won't be strong enough to force such policies, they'll do the same to American companies.

I wouldn't be celebrating if I were a competitor. This is bad precedent. Hegemony is fluid, and China is rising regardless.

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To push back here slightly:

China won’t allow any US social media products or apps including Uber in their society and yet has free reign to import their views and culture to ours.

TikTok the application is literally banned in China.

Their counterpart, Douyin, inserts educational clips into their algorithm and has a built in time limit.

At a basic trade relations level, the US should not allow any foreign national to import media and culture to our people if we cannot respond in turn, especially if that application has been banned in its home country.

Also disagree above with Patrick that “China’s rise is inevitable”. They are approaching the middle income trap and have huge demographic problems due to years of their “one China policy”

Yes it’s geopolitical. Obviously it’s geopolitical. But when there is a trade imbalance that should be rectified.

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